+353 1 402 8606 info@iaem.ie

Follow the process of initial membership application below when applying for membership to the Irish Association for Emergency medicine:


Establish the correct category of Membership

Establish which category of Membership (Full, Associate or Affiliate) you are eligible for (see above). If you are a doctor interested in / with some clinical practice in Emergency Medicine but do not appear to fit into the designated grades referred to in the extract from the Constitution, please apply for Associate Membership.


Complete Online Application Form (Credit Card or Direct Debit Mandate)

You can opt to submit your application online and pay by credit card, or via Direct Debit Mandate. If paying by Direct Debit Mandate, submit your application online and choose Direct Debit as payment option. It is particularly important that your details are entered legibly, particularly your email address which will be the means of communication from the Association.


Await Confirmation from IAEM

Applications will be processed by the Honorary Secretary and placed before the Executive.